Project Description

This client had a long held dream of transforming her cherished back garden into a green haven split across two levels – the lower level with a sizeable raised bed for growing vegetables with the upper level graded and turfed. However, her dogs had enjoyed the garden for years, as evidenced by numerous holes; weeds had also taken refuge.

Every transformation starts with a first step which in this case meant clearing the lower level of weeds before turning over the site and grading it to make it level. The client had an idea in mind for the raised bed which needed translating into an actionable design. Once this was agreed the construction could begin in earnest and before long the finished bed was being filled with several tonnes of top quality top soil.

The upper level was a very uneven slope full of hollows from years of digging by the dogs. The weapon of choice here was my trusty mattock which not only helped break up the very hard ground but also helped speed up the process of regularising the gradient. Once this was complete and a retaining wall constructed of sleepers, it was time to lay the beautifully fresh turf delivered that very morning including edging and resetting the existing stepping stones.

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